In this place I have seen sea creatures so close to me.It was awesome.I have seen all kinds of fishes,manta rays,sharks, in the aquarium.The scenario was jaw dropping and I have enjoyed the serenity of the place.
I am sharing this because this is a place for family gathering and for relaxation of mind and soul.I wish that moment my husband was with me but he was calling me on my mobile while he is in Hawaii,U.S.A. and I was in the process of looking to different kinds of all species of sea water that is in the aquarium since that day was a day of my vacation after experiencing the strong winds of Ondoy Typhoon unharmed by the way.But we talked and we have been missing each other.
There is nothing more important in life than to be with your love one.It was a learning experience.
I recommend for tourist to visit this place for your new experience so close with sea creatures so that you will gain more knowledge about sea life.
Indeed, this is are all from God.He is so powerful and magnificent.I really appreciate all what I have seen inside this place.
The food there are also delicious and the restaurants are well done and the people are very approachable and so friendly.The cost of being there is worth it and affordable.
This kind of experience have brought me to realization that it is more life changing knowing that when you encounter this sea creatures for real you will observe how calm and undisturb they are and keep on existing without worries and you will be able to observe the different nature of each species.
The giant clams,the corals,are so cool.This is good for an educational tour for all children and young people to know what exist in our country.I realize how blessed the Philippines is for having such sea creatures that exist in our territory.
Also, I have seen that the Philippine Coast Guard Auxillary is helping the Philippine Coast Guard in protecting our sea.I appreciate all this because I am a member of the PCGA and a certified PADI open water diver but I have never seen so much beautiful creatures in diving as those what is inside the aquarium of the Manila Ocean Park.
It is funny though, I wonder how they constructed this aquarium putting heavy volumes of water in aquarium and putting all sea creatures there alive.
Very Creative.
I recommend affordable plane tickets.
See for yourself.
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